On behalf of the Organizing and Scientific Committee we are honoured to announce the organization of the COST Action FP1305 meeting (“BioLink 2018: Soil Biodiversity and European Woody Agroecosystems”) in Granada (Spain) from 14th to 16th March, 2018. After the previous and successful meetings held in Reading (UK), Krakow (Poland), Rome (Italy), Sofia (Bulgaria), Prague (Chekia) and Tartu (Estonia) we are delighted to host the final meeting. We will address the objectives of the COST Action “Linking Belowground Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function in European Forests”, focus on forests and tree crops, ecosystem services, climate change,… It will include plenary talks by international experts as well as oral and poster presentations chosen from submitted abstracts.
Granada is located at the foot of the Sierra Nevada and 30 minutes from the Mediterranean Sea. This historical city is home to the Alhambra, the great Arabic castle complex constructed over many centuries, considered to be one of the 10 wonders of the world, Granada is synonymous with culture, heritage, nature and beauty
We are delighted to invite you to the BioLink 2018 meeting and look forward to welcoming you in Granada.